How to setup Node Express Typescript Typeorm Apollo TypegraphQL

How to setup Node Express Typescript Typeorm Apollo TypegraphQL

5 November 2022

First you need to type yarn init -y or npm init -y in your terminal to generate package.json and also initialization your project.

yarn init -y
npm init -y

install Express

yarn add express

install Typescript as a Dev depedency

yarn add -D typescript

install ts-node-dev to start the server as a dev depedency

yarn add -D ts-node-dev

don’t forget to install the type definition because we are using Typescript and if you are using npm, type npm install <package-name>--save-dev.

yarn add -D @types/node @types/express @types/typescript

Afterwards install GraphQL and Apollo Express,because we are using Express

yarn add graphql apollo-server-express

Before getting started with TypegraphQL,we need to install some depedencies and slightly configure tsconfig.json to make TypegrahQL works.

First you need to install class-validator and type-graphql

yarn add class-validator type-graphql

Also,install reflect-metadata to make the type reflection work

yarn add reflect-metadata

For the tsconfig.json settings, i recommend you to check @Ben Awad tsconfig settings, because i usually use the settings for my projects.

After you copy the settings,change this part a little,because uses features from ES2018

	"compilerOptions": {
		"lib": ["es2018", "esnext.asynciterable"]

And the settings look like this

	"compilerOptions": {
		"target": "es2018",
		"module": "commonjs",
		"lib": ["es2018", "esnext.asynciterable"],
		"skipLibCheck": true,
		"sourceMap": true,
		"outDir": "./dist",
		"moduleResolution": "node",
		"removeComments": true,
		"noImplicitAny": true,
		"strictNullChecks": true,
		"strictFunctionTypes": true,
		"noImplicitThis": true,
		"noUnusedLocals": true,
		"noUnusedParameters": true,
		"noImplicitReturns": true,
		"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
		"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
		"esModuleInterop": true,
		"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
		"experimentalDecorators": true,
		"resolveJsonModule": true,
		"baseUrl": "."
	"exclude": ["node_modules"],
	"include": ["./src/**/*.tsx", "./src/**/*.ts"]

And lastly install Typeorm as an ORM,because Typeorm works really well with Typegrapqhl and Typescript , You can use another ORM such as Prisma 2,sequalize,and etc.

yarn add typeorm

After All depedencies are installed we can start to write our code.

First we need to check Express Typescript server whether works or not.

import express from "express";

const app = express();
app.get("/", (_req, res) => {
	res.send("server running on express");

app.listen(3001, () => {
	console.log("πŸš€ Server ready at http://localhost:3001");

To start the server we are gonna using ts-node-dev , and create the script in package.json looks like this.

	"scripts": {
		"start": "ts-node-dev --respawn --transpile-only src/index.ts"

Type this command to execute the script

yarn start

Afterwards visit http://localhost:3001. If you see the massage, then you have successfully setup Express Typescript server.

After finished setup Express Server, Next we are going to setup Apollo Graphql Server with TypegrapQL and write our first Graphql Resolver.

import "reflect-metadata";
import { ApolloServer } from "apollo-server-express";
import express from "express";
import { Mutation, Query, Resolver, buildSchema } from "type-graphql";

//Graphql Resolver
class TestResolver {
	@Mutation(() => String)
	async testMutation(): Promise<string> {
		return "Sheesh Mutation";
	@Query(() => String)
	async testQuery(): Promise<string> {
		return "Sheesh Query";

async function startApolloServer() {
	const app = express();
	const schema = await buildSchema({
		resolvers: [TestResolver],
	app.get("/", (_req, res) => {
		res.send("server running on express");
	const server = new ApolloServer({
		context: ({ req, res }) => ({ req, res }),
	await server.start();
	server.applyMiddleware({ app });
	app.listen(3001, () => {
			`πŸš€ Server ready at http://localhost:3001${server.graphqlPath}`

And then type yarn start again. Afterwards visit http://localhost:3001/graphql. if you see this UI.

Apollo GraphQL UI

then congratulations you have successfully setup Apollo GraphQL server.And now you can write your graphQL query Like This.

query test{

Mutation test{

Lastly we are gonna using typeORM to connect to the Database.In this example i’m using PostgreSQL,but you can use any Database you want.

First create ormconfig.json on the root folder,then create configuration like this,for more information visit Using ormconfig.json

	"type": "postgres",
	"host": "localhost",
	"port": 5432,
	"username": "postgres",
	"password": "postgres",
	"database": "library-app",
	"synchronize": true,
	"logging": true,
	"entities": ["src/entities/*.*"]

i will explain briefly,but if you want to read the full docs visit the link on the top.

As you can see i use postgres database in port 5432 ,and i set synchronize : true it means everytime i make a change to my entities , Typeorm will sync with the database everytime i run my app.

i also set logging : true to print the logs everytime i make query to the database the logs will be print to the console.

and lastly i place my entities into src/entities folder.

afterwards we are gonna create a connection.

First Import createConnection from typeorm

import { createConnection } from "typeorm";

And place createConnection inside startApolloServer() function.

import "reflect-metadata";
import { ApolloServer } from "apollo-server-express";
import express from "express";
import { Mutation, Query, Resolver, buildSchema } from "type-graphql";
import { createConnection } from "typeorm";

class TestResolver {
	@Mutation(() => String)
	async testMutation(): Promise<string> {
		return "Sheesh Mutation";
	@Query(() => String)
	async testQuery(): Promise<string> {
		return "Sheesh Query";

async function startApolloServer() {
	await createConnection();
	const app = express();
	const schema = await buildSchema({
		resolvers: [TestResolver],
	app.get("/", (_req, res) => {
		res.send("server running on express");
	const server = new ApolloServer({
		context: ({ req, res }) => ({ req, res }),
	await server.start();
	server.applyMiddleware({ app });
	app.listen(3001, () => {
			`πŸš€ Server ready at http://localhost:3001${server.graphqlPath}`

Next we are gonna make our first entitiy ,in this example im gonna create user entity.

First create user.ts inside entities folder

import { Field, ID, ObjectType, registerEnumType } from "type-graphql";
import {
} from "typeorm";

export class User extends BaseEntity {
	@Field((_type) => ID)
	id!: string;

	@Column({ unique: true })
	name!: string;

	@Column({ unique: true })
	email!: string;

	password!: string;

	createdAt!: Date;

In this example, i created User table which has simple column such as name,email,password and createdAt.

next we are going to call the entity and combine it with Typegraphql.

In this example i created simple Register Mutation,and also i use bcryptjs to hash the user password.

import { Arg, Mutation, Resolver } from "type-graphql";
import * as bcrypt from "bcryptjs";
import { User } from "../../entities/user";

export class RegisterResolver {
	@Mutation(() => User)
	async register(@Arg("input") id: RegisterInput): Promise<User> {
		const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(input.password, 12);
		const user = await User.create({
			password: hashedPassword,
		return user;

Refrences :